Innovation day 2024

Innovation day was amazing, I got to see everyone work and show off some of my own. We were told to design a structure for an animal of our choosing making sure it can withstand certain forces and that the animal has freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from pain or disease, freedom from fear and distress, and freedom to express the normal behaviors of that animal. We used an app called CoSpaces to create and design a model of the structure.

When starting this project I was excited to start coding and showing off my CoSpace, but I was a bit nervous about the presentation and I didn’t really know what to say. Because I knew I struggle with presentation and talking, I decided to code a grasshopper that would do the talking for me and take the judges on a tour around the model. I also made a video ad because we were selling the judges our structure. I enjoyed the coding but was kind of frustrated because a lot of the judges, parents, and even kids, got stuck trying to get up the stairs and some of the parents and kids left halfway through. This made it even more difficult because I had to go into settings and manually take it out of guided access just to restart, whereas if they finished it, it would automatically restart and we could start showing the next person. This helped me figure out different ways to help them while making sure it was still them going through it, not just me. Something I would do differently next time is present more of it myself so that it’s more engaging for the judges.

Here is a video of what I imagined the tour of the CoSpaces would look like:

In the end, I really enjoyed this year’s Innovation Day project, and I’m sure next year will be even better.