S.M.A.R.T. goals

My S.M.A.R.T. goal is… Two practical steps I can take to achieve this goal are…
I want to get 100% on at least 1 hebrew quiz and test and at least 80% on at least 2.
  • Study
  • practice
I want to get at least  90% on at least 1 math quiz and test and at least 80% on at least 2.
  • Study
  • practice
Create a sketchbook character by Next year
  • Research
  • Sketch
Sketch a comic by the end of the school year
  • Write up
  • Outline

Les résolutions pour la nouvelle année


  1. Avoir ma bat mitzvah
  2. Etudier la langue des signes
  3. Etudier le hébreue
  4. Apprendre à mieux esquisser
  5. Etudier la mathématique
  6. Peinture plus

“Personne ne peut pas fair ca eau, alors ils essaient dire a vous ne peut pas” J’ai trouvée une exemple ou une voiture tombée alors il vendre ça pour 500 dollars. Le personne qui il vendre ca a offrire a reparer ca pour leur, mais le vendeur dire c’est impossible. Alors il achètent voiture et fixe ca just devant lui.


“People can’t it  themselves so they try to tell you that you can’t do it” I found an example of this where a car broke down so the owner sold it for $500. The person they sold it to offered to fix the car for him, but the seller said it was impossible. So he bought the car and fixed it right in front of the seller. So the next time someone tells you something is impossible, don’t take their word for it.